New Syncplicity Enterprise Edition – Adult Supervision for the BYOD Party

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The BYOD movement continues to gain momentum. As such, consumer devices are invading the enterprise. This freedom is liberating for workers but potentially disastrous for IT. To combat the risks introduced by BYOD, IT has no choice but to arm themselves with enterprise-grade security and control to mitigate potential data leakage.

Today, EMC is excited to announce Syncplicity Enterprise Edition (EE), an enterprise-scale, cloud-based file sharing solution that blends two ends of the spectrum — consumer usability with true enterprise security and control.


Modern workers are well-connected, multitasking, “uber producers,” and IT needs to stay ahead of the pace. That’s what Syncplicity EE is all about – simplifying end user deployment and administration at enterprise scale, and empowering IT with complete control over security, policy and storage.

Syncplicity Enterprise Edition achieves this by:

  • Providing a Frictionless User Experience Users are demanding easier access to files to get work done, as simple as downloading music to their devices. So why dance around the subject when you can put a stop to Shadow IT? Syncplicity EE does this.
  • Empowering IT to “manage the unmanageable Having the ability to configure the system to align with their security approach, establish policies and deploy at scale empowers IT to provide users flexibility without losing control.
  • Giving Storage Choice Provides IT storage options that enable organizations to manage files in a way that complies with their security, compliance, data availability/protection, and data residency requirements without impacting the user experience.

Let’s take a closer look.

Syncplicity EE gives IT choice of storage, either in the cloud or using an on-premise storage infrastructure based on EMC Isilon scale-out NAS or EMC Atmos object-based cloud storage. Unlike other services that tout on-premise storage, Syncplicity moves files directly from storage to devices — files are never cached nor passed through our cloud service. Data can also be replicated geographically so users worldwide are accessing files from the closest data center.

syncP2Syncplicity supports single sign on (SSO) with Active Directory or any SAML-based authentication service, and two-factor authentication. IT can also enforce levels of authentication based on location or IP address. For example, a user may only need to sign-on via Active Directory by default, but require two-factor authentication when traveling to countries where there’s higher risk.

In addition, the new offering includes Syncplicity Connector for EMC Documentum, enabling content to be synced and distributed to large groups of users, across all devices, inside and outside the firewall. Organizations can share sensitive information extending enterprise reach without compromising security. This is huge, particularly for highly-regulated industries where access to the most current information securely is paramount and brings Syncplicity into the fabric of an organization’s critical business process.

As you see, Syncplicity EE provides IT greater control over where potentially sensitive data is stored and how it’s shared, while still delivering increased productivity for users regardless of device or operating system. Knowing when and how to ensure the right level of security, compliance and scalability across the organization is key. Without proper IT support, users will continue to find alternative solutions — leaving IT in the dark.

To learn more, register for a free trial of Syncplicity EE.

On March 6, we announced the Syncplicity App for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 New UI for Windows 8 devices. We’re excited to say they are now both available for download. Check it out!

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